Hell Let Loose



1 - No Toxic/Abusive, Offensive, Derogatory or Racist language or abuse towards other players in Chat, VoIP, name and/or clan tag.

Toxic/Abusive: Very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way OR extremely offensive and insulting

Offensive: Causing someone to feel resentful, upset, or annoyed

Derogatory: Showing a critical or disrespectful attitude

Racist: Prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized

This also includes player name and clan tag

2 - No illegal exploitation.

No Aimbot/Aim assist, Wall hacks, etc. Also Ghosting/Metagaming

3 - No solo locked recon teams, however, solo locked tanking is allowed.

Locking the Recon squad is acceptable if you are waiting for a friend or teammate however if you lock the squad for 5 minutes or more without your friend joining you will be in violation of this rule.

4 - No Destruction of unmanned enemy vehicles or repair stations within the HQ spawn.

The HQ spawn is defined as the 3 x standard spawn locations within the HQ area.

5 - No Camping HQ spawns, with the following exceptions

Middle HQ (Inf and Recon only NO ARMOUR)

HQ closest to the last point when that point is able to be capped (Inf and Recon only NO ARMOUR)

6 - Commanders, Squad Leaders, Tank Commanders & Spotters MUST communicate with a microphone.

All players must communicate in English whilst speaking in Officer VoIP and team text channels

7 - Any player acting in an unsportsmanlike manner may be punished accordingly.

Intentional team killing or other unsportsmanlike conduct

8 - Seeding rules apply for less than 40 players

You must fight over the middle objective and not advance into the enemies territory until the server fills up with additional players.

Tanking and Artillery are NOT allowed to be created and operate during server seeding.

9 - No Advertising

The Advertising of any social media accounts or communities unrelated to Chimera is prohibited.

Unless permission to do so is approved from Chimera Headquarters.

A reminder to all

If you encounter anyone in violation of any of these rules please:

Contact admin by creating a Hell Let Loose ticket in the support channel on our discord or using the in game chat type "!admin [player] [reason]" and let our vulonteer administration team handle it

Do not retaliate and/or intervene.

Join our Discord to become a member